The Cactus Club

A dynamic group of individuals who support CCSC's mission through a recurring donation. ​

Life Affirming Services

Life-Affirming Services

Your monthly contribution helps support the many programs and services provided by the Cathedral City Senior Center including:

  • Nutrition & Wellness Programs
  • Social Services
  • Social Activities and Programs
  • Community Outreach
  • And More…

Exclusive Member Benefits

Your monthly or annual contribution comes with exclusive benefits such as an annual membership to the Center, invitations to all exclusive Cactus Club events, early access to tickets purchases for our signature events, and much more.

Cactus Club Exclusive Benefits
Cactus Club Giving Levels

Giving Levels

Your generous monthly donation provides life-affirming services for seniors in Cathedral City and the surrounding desert communities.

Become a Cactus Club Member Today

Cactus Club Members

Thank you for your support


Jim Albright & Tom Peterson

Linda & Richard Alexander

Sharon Alves-Perry

Anne Ambrose

Conrad Angel Corral & Robert L. Durbin

Stephen Ash


George Bailey

Robert Balthazor & Kevin Caples

David Banks

Toni Baril

Ron Bianchi & David Barter

Beverly Beirne

Sally Beirne

Kevin Biersack & James Fulk

Margaret Ann Bishop

Josh Brown & Martin Prew

Dora Buchner

Stephen Burchard & Rey R. Thayne Jr.


CJ Cameron

Arturo Carrillo & David Mizener

Paul Clowers & Frank Goldstin

Geoff Corbin

Helen & Chris Cordell

Conrad Angel Corral & Robert L. Durbin

Margaret Costa

Isiaah Crawford

Michael Crisp

Dottie Crump

Kendra & Roger Culbertson


Leann & Ron Dale

Diane & Doug Davis

Jack Delaney & Scott Stoltman

Robert De Silva

Mark Duebner & Keith Cornell

Ron Duran

Robert L. Durbin & Conrad Corral


Scott Ekblad & Mike O’Shea

Peter Elting & Martin Freas

Derek Evan & Mike Marron




Shane Feist & Claudia Arteaga

Lida Frankel & Shelly Miller


Leigh Gernert

Diane Gill & Jane Rasco

Patti Gilligan

Judy Glenn

Luz Gonzalez

Rebecca Gonzalez

Christina Gordon & Sasan Pakravan

Pat Graves

Raymond Gregory & Eric Ornelas


Jill Hamilton

Michael & Elizabeth Hancock

Ken Henderson & Joe Seiler

Stefan Hill

Gayle Hodges

Sydney & Danie Amanda Holiday

Barbara Horn

Michael (MJ) Horne & Tom Jones

Terry Huggins

Kenn Hughes

Bruce Hume


Victor Ide



Stone & Laura James

Dale Jenkins

Craigory Jones

Jeffery Jones & Tom Nelson

Scott Jones & Patrick Basile



Shelley Kaplan, Alan Carvalho & Doug Schmidt

Scot & Lance Karp

Rosanne Knoepfle

Robert Koenig & Joel Lindsey

Ronald Koppert

Donald Kraft & Steve Knill

George Klipfel II & Susan L. Wasserman

Kenneth Kuchma


Richard Lane & Billy Moss

Chuck Leachman & Mickey Feigelson

Charlie Leonard & Randy Johnston

Maureen Lestelle

Michael Lewis & David Hafer

Patti Licausi

Randy Lovely & John Sallot

Dennis Lubas

Esther Ludwig & Mary Racz



Peter Mailler

Ian Marsh

Anne Marie Martin

Cynthia & Cesar Marquez

Casey Mattos & Bob Schram

Scott & Harriet Mauro

James McAndrew & Gary Endres

Scott McBeth & Darell Corn

Cynthia McBrearty

Charlie McClendon & Brian Talarsky

Bob McKechnie & Kris Mazure

James Monte & Edward Reiners

Susan Munday



Loretta Nelson

Sharon Nelson

James Walter (Jim) Neuman

Jennie Niernberger

Dante Noto


Fernando & Paola Olivares 

Paul Otto & Jeff Bergen


Michael Parker

Douglas Patterson & Jack Johnson

Carlson Peters & Raul Hernandez

Debra Pollock & Maureen Andersen

Mary & Clay Preuit

Jeremy Proctor & Noe Cardenas


Victoria Rabjohn

Robert Randall & Travis Page

Greg Reeves & Jim Shellhammer

Diane Richenberg

Scott & Kara Robinson

Toni Robinson & Judy Weissman

Rose Rosinski

Nancy & Robert Ross

Tom Rudolph & Robert Davis


Bruce Savage

Jean Scheibel

Lauri Schmidt

David Slack & Gary Damaschino

Perry Sloan

David Smitherman

Yan Somoza & Todd Smookler-Somoza

Margie St. Anthony

Joe Staley & Stuart Clayton

Scott Stettaford & William Garrick

Melissa Stewart

Betty Stowell

Marilyn Stowell

David Sullivan


Dirk Tacke

Phoebe Talbert

John & Margaret Thompson

Kirk Thompson & Brett Burch

Ralph & Jim Thompson-Cantua

Carol Tiffin

Steve Tobin & Johnny Krupa

Sue Townsley

Rick Travis

Irene Troiano

Cheryl Turner

Tom Turner




Robert Valentine & Steve Bolton


Marge Wade

Joel Wallace & Paul Bruner

Caroline Weeks

Gary Weinstein

John White & Travis Smith

Carol Wolf

Tim Wood & Jim Scheibel

Sue Woodside 

Rob Wright

Betty Wright

Colin Wright & Toby Bryan


Robert Yrigoyen




Dr. Les Zendle & Jerry Hanson

Don Zuidema, Mike McGinley & Alfredo Izaguirre